Sonic Japan: Sounds of Sapporo

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Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art Entrance
Inside the entrance of the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Entrance is a screen showing a map of the island of Hokkaido, as the cross roads of Northeast Asia. A pointer to centrality of Hokkaido in trade routes of the past. (2017/03/01)
Ainu tonkori
In the Hokkaido Museum of Modern Art, there is a section for Ainu. In this part of the museum, there is an interactive display where you can select different Ainu musicians. An Ainu woman here sings and play the tonkori. (2017/03/01)
Tanukikoji Shopping Arcade
Starting from the older section of Tanukikoji shopping arcade, the shops are older and there a few people here. Gradually, walking along the arcade the sounds of people and sounds emanating from shop grow louder and louder. The shops becoming newer and my senses are assaulting by the volume of music, announcements and sounds of people. Have the streets become louder? Or do sounds coalesce around places that become popular, accompanying the flow of people and products. (2017/02/28)